Emploi Connexion

Construction Employment : Working in the construction industry

Emploi ConneXion

Construction Employment

The Quebec building construction employment industry is one of the largest and most dynamic economic sectors in Quebec.

  • New projects will appear in the civil engineering and roads sector in 2020;
  • A moderate decline for the industrial sector in 2020;
  • The institutional and commercial sector. 2020 promises to be just as effervescent. Activity should remain at the same level as in 2019, in particular thanks to sustained investments in the institutional sector.

There are some 25 trades and around 30 occupations in Quebec. The former are defined by regulation, the latter are defined within the collective agreements of the construction industry.

According to the Law on Labor Relations, Vocational Training and Manpower Management in the Construction Industry (Law R ‐ 20), everyone working in the construction industry must have one of the three competency certificates.

The trades in the employment construction industry are divided into trades, specialized occupations and occupations. The trades are governed by regulations administered by the CCQ. The sectors, industrial, institutional and commercial, residential and civil engineering.

Construction emploi Connexion

There are several positions in the  Construction Employment fields, a link is attached for more information: https://www.ccq.org

Here is some post:

Construction emploi Connexion

Construction labor worker :

The construction laborer performs tasks that vary depending on the object of his work. As part of the construction of buildings, he prepares the materials.

To this end, he must manufacture and install the various simple forms, the reinforcing elements and small concrete works; then it cleans construction materials, prepares and applies assembly and coating products.

It must also seal and protect the workplace by installing insulation or applying coatings. In addition this technician can erect scaffolding simple and shoring. He can also work on roads, highways, ports, cemeteries and waterways.

Building technologist :

As a building mechanic technologist; you will be responsible for ensuring the proper functioning of the mechanical systems of a building in addition to optimizing their energy use.

In building system maintenance, you will be responsible for ensuring the maintenance and proper functioning of the various building systems (electricity, heating, plumbing, piping, air conditioning, ventilation, fire protection). You will have to analyze, adjust and maintain these different systems, check their condition and if they meet building standards and solve operating problems.

You will have to supervise the work of a team of workers specializing in building mechanics (electricians, plumbers, refrigerators, etc.).

Project Manager :

Reporting to management, the owner is accompanied by the project manager through all phases of the construction project, from the definition of the concept to the completion and closing of the project.

The Project Manager coordinates the implementation

Superintendant :

The superintendent is on site to plan, organize, coordinate and direct the execution of the work of a construction project in order to respect the execution schedule, specifications, budget and regulations.

It ensures logistics, compliance with working conditions and site safety. It also controls the quality of the work performe

Construction Employment legal holidays and vacation 2023

The dates of statutory holidays and compulsory annual holidays are determined in collective agreements.

Twice a year, the CCQ sends workers a vacation check.

Summer 2023
From July 23 at 12:01 a.m. to August 5, 2023 at 12 a.m.